Neil was my big brother who first took me to watch stoke city around the age of 8/9 years.I have followed the potters ever since through good times and bad(lots of bad ).It was always Neil i would contact first and chat about the win .draw or loss.In them early games i went was in the late 70s and football violence was unfortunately bad.but Neil always made sure i was safe and got me home by picking me up and carrying to the car.Holidays are a lovely memory.Conway north Wales in caravan with mum. dad.and the family transported in Neils car. When i return to wales Neil and the holidays give me warm feeling and great memories. When i was growing up at home it was Neils choice of music that i have followed ever since and still listen to.The likes of Bowie .supertramp and free.Neil wasnt just a big brother he was someone i wanted to aspire to when i was older.Neil was a Dad and husband anyone would want.Hard working and dedicated family man who lived for his family and life.Big brother i loved you and miss you.Every day i will think of our memories. Love you your little brother Mark xxx